Tuesday, May 15, 2012

nvocc companies

                      nvocc companies- Aairc Klobal
      nvocc companies- Aairc Klobal

nvocc companies- Aairc Klobal

We Aairc Klobal Logistics in the field form 1985 serving both Exporters and Importers in India apart from the Global Partners.our excellence is providing the Economic,Fast& Reliable International Logistics solution to ensure safe & ensuring the scheduled reach of the cargo.

We have best understanding with the liner,Carriers to avail best in everything and  the same has been transferred to our customers as well as our counterparts to ensure regain/retain the customers ever!!!

Our Services:
Air Freight
Sea Freight
In House Customs brokerage Service
Excess Baggage Clearance
Personal Effects Clearance
Rail Freight
Surface Transportation


Aairc Klobal Logistics has a wide network covering both the Domestic as well as the Overseas locations that helps us to efficiently provide various services enlisted above.

The domestic network divide into four regions i.e. North, East, West, South has various offices and agents taking care of the activities of their respective regions.

Aairc Klobal Logistics aims to provide global excellence for your logistics needs.

Speed in Transit & Assured Delivery is aim our company.

Pls send your enquiries to move your cargo globally with the BEST FREIGHT RATES!!!

Corporate Office:
Aairc Klobal Logistics,
Land line: +91-044-22211035.
Mobile: +91-9677060457.
No 105,IInd Floor,
G.S.T.Road,Sanatorium Tambaram,
Chennai-600 047, Tamilnadu,
Mail: ramesh@aaircklobal.com, aaircklobal@gmail.com,sujata@aaircklobal.com, aaircklobal@yahoo.co.in
Web: http://www.aaircklobal.com